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hariyali teej 2020 katha and puja vidhi, muhurat

hariyali teej katha

Hariyali teej katha and pooja method-

On the Tritiya Tithi of Shukla Paksha of Saavan month, women do special worship of Shiva-Parvati, the same is called Hariyali Teej. This worship of Ashadh Tritiya is celebrated in large part of the country, it is called Haritalika Teej. Worship is similar in both, so the story is also similar.

Tritiya of Shukla Paksha of Shravan month is called Shravani Teej. But most people know it as Hariyali Teej. This festival is mainly celebrated in North India. On this day, women worship Goddess Parvati and Lord Shiva. Women observe Nirjala fast on this day. This fast is said to be harder than Karva Chauth. On this day, women spend the whole day without food and water, and on the second day, in the morning after bathing and worshiping, they fast and take food. For this reason, this fast is considered tougher than Karva Chauth.
In the year 2020, Hariyali Teej will be celebrated on 23 July. On this day, swings occur from place to place. In this festival, women sing songs in Hari Lahariya or Chunri, apply henna, makeup, swing the swing and dance. Fairs are held at many places on the day of Hariyali Teej and the ride of Mata Parvati is taken out with great pomp.

hariyali teej pooja

Story of Teej-

Shivji told the story of Teej to remind Parvatiji of his previous birth. Shivji says- O Parvati, you did extreme tenacity to get me as a groom on the Himalayas. Gave up food and water, eat leaves, suffer from cold and heat and rain.

Your father was sad. Naradji came to your house and said - I have come to send Vishnu. He wants to get married to your daughter after pleasing her. Share your opinion

Parvataraj agreed to marry you with Vishnu. Naradji told this good news to Vishnu but when you came to know, it was very sad. You had accepted me as your husband. You told your mind to your friend.

Saheli hid you in a dense forest where your father could not reach. You started meditating there. Due to your disappearance, the father started worrying and what would happen if Vishnuji brought a procession in the meantime.

Shivji further said to Parvatiji - Your father made the earth and earth in search of you, but you could not be found. You were absorbed in worshiping me by making Shivling in the cave. Pleased, I pledged to fulfill my wish. Your father reached the cave searching.

You said that most of your life has been spent in meditation to get Shiva as a husband. Today the tenacity was successful, Shivji had selected me. I will go home with you on the same condition if you agree to marry me with Shiva.

Mountaineer agreed. Later we got married to the law. Hey Parvati! Due to the harsh fast, you had done, we could get married. I give desired results to a woman who performs this fast with devotion. He has the blessing of an immovable honeycomb-like you.

teej images

Fasting Teej for the bride you want-

On the Tritiya Tithi of Shukla Paksha of the month of Savan, Kajjali Teej is known as Hariyali Teej. In the Bhavishya Purana, Goddess Parvati tells that she has made a fast of Tritiya Tithili so that women get happiness and good fortune. In the month of Saavan, after three hundred years of penance on Tritiya Tithili, Goddess Parvati received the boon to get Lord Shiva as her husband.

Hariyali Teej Puja Method:

On the day of Hariyali Teej, married women fast for their husband's longevity. On this day, the women's goods and sweets are sent to their in-laws by their maiden. On the day of Hariyali Teej, after doing household chores and bathing in the morning, women do sixteen adornments and keep Nirjala fast. This is followed by the worship of Maa Parvati and Lord Shiva.

The story of Teej is heard at the end of the puja. At the conclusion of the narrative, the women wish mother Gauri a long life for her husband. This is followed by a celebration at home and bhajans and folk dances are performed. On this day, there is also the custom of green clothes, green chunari, green wave, green makeup, mehndi, swinging.
Enjoy hariyali teej and check what Salman khan do in this teej. and checkout Akbar Birbal teej story also.


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इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

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